Monday, October 19, 2009

Mega Post #2 Chateau St. Michelle

Mont St. Michelle

Mont St. Michelle is an ancient 8th century Monastary. It is located on a small islet on the North West of France. Its about an hour south of the Normandy beaches. Its hard to describe the feeling when you first see this. You are a couple of KM away and when you tuen the corner its just breathtaking.

Look at the picture the very top you see the Abbey. Now look below....

This is a chappel that is at the very top of the Islet. Thats Chris and Andrew on the lower right of the picture.

This was a cool statue in the Chapel

This is a giant water wheel. It was used to help lift provisions from the bottom of the structure up to the top.

Below are some great views from on the top of the Abbey.

Here is a picture looking at up at the Abbey from below.

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