Sunday, November 18, 2007

The Saturday Leiden Market

The Saturday Market in Leiden

Every Saturday the market shows up in Leiden. Along the New Rhine River Canal . There are hundreds of market sellers setting up along the Canal. You can get absoutely anything you want (well alomst...its Holland by the way). We go about every other week for the "stuff" we need.

A typical market seller stall. Thos is one of the "Bread Men" selling Turkish loaves, French Baguetts, Rolls and the like. As they say in Holland, its bread day 1, bread crumbs day 2 and bird feed day 3. With no preservatives (a good thing by the way), it goes quickly.

It wouldn't be Holland without Flower sellers. These bunches were 5 euro a piece.

Nuts you say, we have pleanty. These guys have bowls of nuts, spices, olives and herbs for sale.

The StroopWaffel man. There are 5 stands making fresh Stroops. Hot, gooey, dripping and good.

The chesses are fantastic. These big wheel pieces are 15 - 20 kilos each.

Andrew in the market.....just before a Stroop.

We found this wall of vines on the way to the market from our little parking spot. It was just awsome, all in fall bloom with reds and greens and yellows.
Well, thats our weekend jaunt to the Leiden Market.
Hope you enjoyed.

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