Sunday, October 28, 2007


During the boy's school break in October we went to Rome. Both Joan and I had been there 30 years ago but neither boy had been. It was an awsome trip. After a 4 hour delay in Frankfurt because of a Strike at the airport in Rome we arrived.

Our first site on Tuesday was the Trevi Fountain.

Rob and Joan at Trevi Fountain. The coins are in, we'll be back to Rome some day.

On the way to the Colusseum we passed the Tomb of the Unknown.

Rob, Chris and Andrew at the Tomb of the Unknown in Rome. It was an impressive site.

The Colosseum

Nothing more needs to be said.

The family inside the Colosseum

The cross in fromt of the Emperor's Box at the Colosseum. The sun could have not been more perfect for this shot.

The Forum

Our next stop was at the Roman Forum.

I had never even heard of the Forum but Christopher knew all about it. This was the ancient Central Market in Rome during the rule of Julius Caesar Octavianus in the 1st century BC. This was a really impressive site and we spent a good bit of time exploring. The ruins are really impressive and stretch from the current Rome City Hall on Capitoline Hill to the Colosseum.

Some impressive collums. These are the only remains of the Temple of Saturn.

Another view of the Forum.


We happened to get to the Vatican at the same time as the Pope.

What a coincidence. He arrived in the Pope Mobile and toured around St Peter's Square before mounting the steps to say Mass.

While we were several hundred yards away, we did see the Pope and hear his Mass. What perfect beginning to exploring the Vatican City.

Christopher loved being at the Vatican.

We mounted to the top of the Cupola and had an unbelievable view. Below was St. Peters Square from the top of the Basillica.

A View From Our Hotel

Our hotel was located about 10 minutes from the Spanish Steps. It was big and nice and had a decent view from the balcony.

We had a great trip in Rome

1 comment:

What Are We Doing? said...

great pics. this just makes us more eager to go, we cant wait to catch up more. E-mail walker at
