Monday, January 21, 2008

Update February.....OOOOOps! Congrats Giants

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Thinking About Summer

Its Winter In Holland And We Are Dreaming About Summer

Below are a few photos from this past summer. We can dream can't we?

This is Annies. It is at the convergence of the New Rhine and Old Rhine rivers in Leiden. The floating docs has seen the Sullivan clan many evenings when the sun shines to 10PM.

A couple of shots of wind mills from the water. Tis working windmill is along one of the canals north of Leiden. We went boating on the canals a couple of times this past summer.

We rented the canal boats from a marina on a lake 15 km north of Leiden in Woorburg, NL. This raft up reminded is of our sailing weeks on the Cheaspeake.

In September we took our bikes to Amsterdam on the train. The top 2 pictures are in Vondel Park in the middle of the city. Its a mini Central Park like setting with trails, lakes, a concert center and a number of restaurants. The bottom is of Chris and Andrew biking back home from Leiden.

Lets Go Summer!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008



Its 2008 mnd time to wish everybody a Happy New Year. We had a great holiday season over here and are now ready to get back at it.
The crazy thing about a Dutch New Year is the fireworks. For 2-3 days a year they are legal and the Dutch have a blast with them. Our neighbors started around 9am with a keg of beer, €3,000 worth of fireworks (from small to giant by the way...they sell these crates with 96 shots of fire work in them...... 5 minutes of exploding fun) a canister of gun powder and several jerry cans of gas. Think that makes for a fun time? It was a bit crazy, dangerous and at times just a bit over the edge.....but they are professionals so we were all ok (professionals in the fact they have been doing that for 8 years running without a problem)
At midnight all of the other Dutch Crazy's set off their big ones and the sky was ablaze.
Today on my way to work the streets were litered with bottle rockets, boxes of 96 shot, firecracker paper and the like. Check out this news paper post @
Anyway, HAPPY NEW YEAR and next year we'll take video.