Its 2008 mnd time to wish everybody a Happy New Year. We had a great holiday season over here and are now ready to get back at it.
The crazy thing about a Dutch New Year is the fireworks. For 2-3 days a year they are legal and the Dutch have a blast with them. Our neighbors started around 9am with a keg of beer, €3,000 worth of fireworks (from small to giant by the way...they sell these crates with 96 shots of fire work in them...... 5 minutes of exploding fun) a canister of gun powder and several jerry cans of gas. Think that makes for a fun time? It was a bit crazy, dangerous and at times just a bit over the edge.....but they are professionals so we were all ok (professionals in the fact they have been doing that for 8 years running without a problem)
At midnight all of the other Dutch Crazy's set off their big ones and the sky was ablaze.
Anyway, HAPPY NEW YEAR and next year we'll take video.